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You can Now File Your 2015 Tax Returns

  Sanjiv Gupta CPA  Published 
You can Now File Your 2015 Tax Returns

The 2016 tax filing season has now officially started.

IRS started to accept the 2015 tax returns as of January 19th, 2016. You can now file your Federal and State Tax Returns electronically from any of our four branches (FremontSan JoseSunnyvale or Pleasanton).

You have plenty of time to get all the necessary year-end statements together but don’t wait till the last minute.  Many tax professionals get really busy around March and April.  It is best to submit all your paperwork to your tax professional by the end of February.  Although, the deadline for 2015 federal returns — and requests for extensions — is April 18.

Did you overpay taxes in 2015?

Most of our clients receive their refund in less than 10 days and ninety percent of our clients can anticipate their refunds in less than 21 days.

Watch Out For Theft & Fraud

With the economy still in a recovery phase and unemployment numbers still high, taxpayers can become a target for identity theft.

We recommend that you install an anti-virus and firewall protection on your computer and encrypt your tax files.  All communication submitted to our firm via our website is already encrypted and tax files we send to our clients are also encrypted.

IRS usually does not call you unless you have requested a callback. So if you get a phone call claiming to be an IRS agent than simply hang up.