Mark your calendar for Feb 14th (next Saturday). You can win a gorgeous slow cooker by asking your tax question on our Facebook page. Yes, it's this simple. Visit our Facebook page and ask your question about FBAR, Indian Accounts, Indian Property or any other income in India (no private message please). Ask your question in public forum so everyone else can benefit from the answers. Sanjiv will personally answer all your questions during our next webinar on Feb 14th. During the webinar, we will also pick the winner for a beautiful Vita Clay Slow Cooker.
Every Question you ask on our Facebook page will earn you one chance of winning. Only one point per day. Meaning, you are welcome to earn up to 8 points. One point every day (for new question) up to Feb 14th.
About Vita Clay’s Slow Cooker:
Whether you are a vegan or not, the organic VitaClay® Rice Cooker Chef delivers the flavors you have always yearned for in a rice cooker. It’s easy to use and works well with hundreds of taste-tempting rice and slow cooker recipes…and it’s healthy! The secret is in the centuries-old slow-cooking organic clay pot, combined with a perfectly computerized balance of temperature, fused to bring out the textures and flavors that will please the health-conscious first-timer or pro. Non-stick chemical FREE, the slow cooker is just right for vegetarian, vegan and health-conscious living.